Howard Chang Photography
How did you get into photography?
I came upon a drawer full of cameras, lenses and other photographic bits while surreptitiously snooping around my father’s bedroom when I was nine years old. From that moment on I was smitten because I came to realize that the tools to make the powerful images I pored over in National Geographic were within my grasp. By the time I was 12 I turned our laundry room into a makeshift darkroom and started making my own prints while driving my mom crazy.
When did you realize you could make a living at this?
Years later while finishing a degree in Architecture, I explored the world of commercial photography and at 19 landed my first freelance job. Since that time, photography has been both a pleasure and a profession, taking me to locations in Europe, South America and throughout North America. I have had the honour to shoot for some of the biggest advertisers in North America as well as many smaller clients that remain a pleasure to work with.
Your favourite shoot?
Hmmm, that’s a tough one but probably the calendar I did pro bono for CanFund in 2014. I got to work with amazing Olympic Athletes and create award winning work. Best of all we raised over $160,000 to help send athletes to Soichi winter games.
Outside of photography what inspires you?
Along with my passion for photography goes my passion for life. Everything I do is from a place of curiosity and adventure. There are a few sports I have not tried and a few I have excelled at including cycling, martial arts and in-line speed skating. I am a proud supportive father of 3 and a loving husband. I participate and give back to my community and our planet with time and financial resources.
Favourite Quote?
“Life expands and contracts in direct proportion to our courage.” Anais Nin